someday, this blog may evolve into a series of thoughtfully-considered, well-written posts on relevant and meaningful topics. until then, i will meme when i feel like it. questions from the sunday stealing blog. the numbers are a continuation from the questions published on sunday stealing last week— i guess it's a multiple-part meme.
23. Are your days fast-paced?
as far as weekdays when i am at work, yes, my days are very fast-paced. there are a million things to do and i never get all of them done. i'm trying to prioritize better and work fewer hours, but even when i succeed at that, the pace will remain close to breakneck. so, because of that, my weekend days are the opposite and i move like a slug when i'm not working. (and by moving like a slug, i mean "slowly," not "leaving a trail of slime behind me.")
24. What did you do last night?
i went to the store with jon to get groceries, which was lots of fun, then made a platter of miniature cucumber sandwiches on cocktail bread for dinner, which we ate with chips & salsa and followed with dessert of raspberry lime pie. while i was making the sandwiches, i made jon stay in the kitchen with me and load the dishwasher and wipe off the counters. then we watched some tv and i fell asleep on the couch reading sometime after "saturday night live" was over.
25. Do you use sarcasm?
no. i never use sarcasm. (get it?)
26. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
thirty-nine. i hate questions with one-word answers, but this is a long meme, so i will forgive it.
27. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
yes, very.
28. Do you get along better with the same sex or the opposite sex?
i used to say i got along better with men or even that i "just don't get along with women," but that was a bunch of shit predicated upon some pathological self-loathing and internalized sexism. gender doesn't seem to be a huge factor in determining how well i get on with someone.
29. Do you watch the news?
only if jon is home. so, i guess i don't.
30. How did you get one of your scars?
i have a scar from surgery on the back of my left thumb that was done to repair the tendon i damaged when i cut myself in the same place with a razor blade when i was using the razor blade to scrape a label off the bottom of a jar and it slipped— slipped straight down into my flesh.
31. Who was the last person to make you mad?
i'm sure it was jon, and i'm sure it was nothing, and i'm sure i can't remember it now.
32. What is the last big thing you purchased?
the precious II, my iPhone 4.
33. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
jon, duh.
34. What is a rumour someone has started about you?
one time in the first year or so that i was sober, so like 1999, i saw this guy i knew from the halfway house i'd gone to at a bar/restaurant on grand ave where i was eating with my boyfriend at the time, and the guy was having a drink. i wouldn't have even noticed what he was drinking, but he was seated a table away and i overheard the server carding the woman he was with. anyway, he apparently started telling people he'd seen me drinking at the wild onion, i guess as some sort of attempted damage control in case i told everyone he had been drinking. i don't think i told anyone i'd seen him drinking— i mean, i didn't care that much because he was sort of an asshole. i got completely freaked out that he was telling people that i was drinking for about five minutes, then i realized he was sort of an asshole and nobody really cared.
35. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
use the emergency button or phone in the elevator, sit down, post "is stuck in an elevator" as a status update on facebook, and play a game on the precious II while waiting for the elevator to be fixed. i'd also text whoever needed to know if being stuck in an elevator was going to make me late for anything.
36. T or F: All's fair in love and war? (sic)
i guess false, because fairness is fairness whether it's a card game or love or war. but hardly anything is ever fair, and i don't care much about fairness. i think this saying is supposed to mean that any strategy, no matter how underhanded or manipulative, is acceptable in matters of the heart or battles for resources, and is usually trotted out to liken romance to armed conflict. it's not something i say, because i rarely think whether something is fair or not is relevant. i am very concerned about matters of justice, particularly in matters of race, gender, sexual identity, and disability, but "fair" is sort of a small word for that.
37. Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?
no. how would anyone know she or he was using a word correctly without knowing its meaning? that's stupid. i don't use words i can't define, and when i run across a word i don't know, i look it up. one possible exception to this would be scrabble, where i play words i know are acceptable scrabble words without knowing their definitions, but i don't think of that as "using" a word.
38. Do you know which US states don't use daylight savings time?
nope. i used to know one, indiana, because i'm from there, but they got on board a few years ago. for some reason i think arizona might not, but maybe i just think that because they're assholes about martin luther king day.
39. Do you want a bright yellow '06 mustang?
no. i don't want a bright yellow anything. what the fuck kind of question is this?
40. What's something you've always wanted?
uh... world peace? this question is too vague. when i want something, i take the steps necessary to move toward getting it, or decide i don't want it that much after all.
41. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
the ocean. lakes have yucky weeds.
42. Do you wear a lot of black?
not really, i don't think. certainly not compared to jon, who is so brutal and core he rarely wears anything not black.
43. Describe your hair:
long, brown, currently kinda greasy and pulled up with a clip on top of my head.
44. Where is/are your best friend(s)?
sitting next to me on the couch, reading my blog, checking to see if i posted this yet. what a babe.
Pengertian Menyerap
4 months ago
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