questions from the manic monday blog. pretty simple this week, which is good because i don't feel very well.
1. Name five of the simple pleasures in your life.
this actually is not too difficult at all. i'm all about simple pleasures, and dozens leap to mind. so i'll pick five in no particular order. first, lying on the couch with weebers (one of our cats) asleep on my chest, tucking his head under my chin. next, sheets fresh from the dryer on my bed. third, how much better produce is in the summer. current favorites include watermelon, cherries, sugar snap peas, corn, and raspberries. fourth, toast. i love toast. english muffin toasting bread and fancy european butter is an extra awesome way to enjoy it. and, finally, psyching up for work, or really just getting a little boost of energy, posi vibes, and gratitude by watching the video entitled "jessica's daily affirmation" on youtube:
2. What do you like to do on a rainy day?
sleep. rainy days are perfect for napping, especially thunderstorms. is that lame? should i have some sort of craft project in mind to entertain me when the rain prevents me from participating in the hobbies i typically include in my active outdoorsy lifestyle? oh well.
3. I deserve a ______.
"hug" is the first thing that came to mind.
Pengertian Menyerap
4 months ago
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