Wednesday, July 14, 2010

wordless wednesdays 1 - 21

here's  a link to my facebook album with all of my wordless wednesday posts before i started being a blogger.

i set the access so everyone can see it whether we are fb friends or not.  i think even the non-facebookers out there can see, but i'm not sure i know very many non-facebookers.

wordless wednesday #24

Monday, July 12, 2010

manic monday #213

questions from the manic monday blog.  pretty simple this week, which is good because i don't feel very well.

1. Name five of the simple pleasures in your life.
this actually is not too difficult at all.  i'm all about simple pleasures, and dozens leap to mind.  so i'll pick five in no particular order.  first, lying on the couch with weebers (one of our cats) asleep on my chest, tucking his head under my chin.  next, sheets fresh from the dryer on my bed.  third, how much better produce is in the summer.  current favorites include watermelon, cherries, sugar snap peas, corn, and raspberries.  fourth, toast.  i love toast.  english muffin toasting bread and fancy european butter is an extra awesome way to enjoy it.  and, finally, psyching up for work, or really just getting a little boost of energy, posi vibes, and gratitude by watching the video entitled "jessica's daily affirmation" on youtube:  

2. What do you like to do on a rainy day?
sleep.  rainy days are perfect for napping, especially thunderstorms.  is that lame?  should i have some sort of craft project in mind to entertain me when the rain prevents me from participating in the hobbies i typically include in my active outdoorsy lifestyle?  oh well.

3. I deserve a ______.
"hug" is the first thing that came to mind.

Friday, July 09, 2010

my aunt anita has never once sent me a forwarded email that wasn't a hoax

not one time.  it's almost as though she copies and pastes them directly from

but she's really awesome.  i'm not complaining or anything.  i actually love having a real live aunt cliché to warn me about the new trick robbers use to gain entry to your home by placing a portable tape player near your door with a tape of a crying baby to lure you to investigate and then pounce when you open the door.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

how i plan to get stuff done at work for the rest of the week

before i start anything at work, i will ask myself:

1.  does it have to be done?

2.  does it have to be done by me?

3.  does it have to be done by me right now?

and i will only proceed if the answer to all three of the above questions is "yes."  i was going to write them on a post-it note today and keep it on my computer monitor, but i couldn't decide if writing my organizational task-filtering interrogatory on a post-it was something that has to be done.

i'll let you know how that works out for me.

wordless wednesday #23

in such a sharing mood lately...

but recently seemingly more interested in sharing things i like made by others rather than making things i like to share.  i'm really, really tired, and want to develop a habit of regular posting, but don't quite have the energy to muster for a whole post.  in the immortal words of black francis, don't gimme no shit because i've been tired.

the road not taken

since i quoted, or rather paraphrased, this frost poem in an earlier post today, i decided i'd also share this one.  i don't know if i've been in a particularly poetic or reflective mood lately, or if i'm just at a place in my life as a reader or a writer or just a human where poetry is exceptionally resonant for me, but a lot of poems have come to mind recently.  perhaps i am increasingly drawn to the brevity and "craftedness" of a poem as i get more in touch with the understanding that, for me as a writer, economy of language is a far greater challenge than putting all the details and nuances into writing that drift through my thoughts as i compose.  at any rate, here is an oft-quoted and much beloved versification from the former poet laureate of the united states.  i love how the subtly-evoked idea of choices as a simple fork in the road emphasizes their profound, unknowable impact.  i've been thinking about choices a lot lately, and envisioning life as an ever-unfolding path is a metaphor that really works for me. 

p.s.  m. scott peck can eat bag of dicks for his eighties pop psychology manifesto whose title bastardized this poem, and was unworthy to use it even as an epigraph.

The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost (1874 - 1963)  Mountain Interval.  1920.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood and I—
I took the one less traveled by, 
And that has made all the difference.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

manic monday #212

this one is actually labelled #211 on the manic monday blog, but so was last week's post, so i'm correcting it and hoping the blogger does, too, so i don't have to be off one number forever.  anyway, let's get to the Q&A.

1. Has reading a book ever changed your life?  Which one and why, if yes?
i would honestly say that every book i read changes my life in some way, even if a small one.  reading can provide a perspective or lens that differs from my own and thus change my life, or even just change my life by adding a moment of beauty with a particularly lovely bit of prose.  for this question, though, i'll pick a book that changed my life in a more dramatic way.
i'm sort of torn between the catcher in the rye and madeleine l'engle's a ring of endless light.  salinger died recently, which makes me lean toward the former, but it's also a gigantic cliché to describe that novel as life-changing, especially for an english major.  i will, however, go with the catcher in the rye, because popular appeal is no reason to eschew genuine feeling of affection for something.
the watershed moment that occurred when i read the novel in ninth grade had as much to do with the woman who taught it to me as it did with the text itself.  jane hyatt was my english teacher when i read it for class in 1985 when i was a freshman at brebeuf.  in class discussion, mrs. hyatt was talking about symbolism, and asked us about the hunting cap holden caulfield wears backward throughout the novel.  she asked us what it could mean that holden wears that particular type of hat, and i answered that it meant that holden was searching for something.  mrs. hyatt followed that up with asking about the fact that he wears it backwards.  getting excited that i was figuring out something i hadn't thought about before, i answered, "he's looking for something, but he's looking in the wrong direction!"  at this point, one of my classmates asked the inevitable question on the mind of young readers everywhere, "why does it have to mean anything?  maybe he just likes the hat and likes it better backwards.  i do stuff like that in real life that doesn't symbolize anything or have any underlying meaning."  and mrs. hyatt, in a masterfully subtle stroke i have appreciated more and more deeply as my years as a reader and a writer have passed and i have been taught literature by less skillful educators, put the question right back to the class-- "i don't know. why does it have to mean anything?"
and here's the moment that changed my fucking life, and i am in no way exaggerating when i describe it that way.  i am tearful just remembering and writing about it, because this moment has informed every word i have voraciously read or written in the twenty-five years since.  i was even more excited as i raised my hand and then answered, "because it isn't real life!  everything in there is in there on purpose, and stuff in books means something or else the authors wouldn't put it in!"  i'm pretty sure my classmates remained unconvinced, but this was an absolutely revolutionary idea to me.  i had already been a dedicated reader of seemingly-insatiable appetite for as long as i could remember, and realizing that nothing in fiction is random, extraneous, or unintentional, opened up a whole new world just as broad as the one that opened when i read my first words as a three-year-old.  (yes, i was precocious.  surprised?  i thought not.)
so there you have it, a book that changed my life.  that moment probably resulted in my majoring in english as an undergraduate, which definitely determined the course of my life-- it was one of those two paths diverging in a wood, and i took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
quoting frost puts me in mind of the other most influential person in my literary education, hilene flanzbaum, one of my english professors at butler.  what jane hyatt taught me about "translating" prose, dr. flanzbaum taught me about poetry.  all of my english professors at butler were amazing (with the possible exception of grace farrell, who was much beloved by students other than me, and just didn't "get" me at all).  when we graduated, all the english majors received gifts of blank journals from the english department faculty, signed by all of the professors inside the covers, and dr. flanzbaum wrote, "oh, stephanie, let literature soothe you.  i have high hopes for you."  i have indeed let literature soothe me, and i'm confident that, though i'm not doing what either dr. flanzbaum or i envisioned when i graduated from college (i had plans to get a ph.d. in english literature and teach at a university), her high hopes would not be disappointed by my present path.  and i haven't written a word in that journal since i received it fifteen years ago, because i haven't yet found anything that seems "special" enough.

2. Name one book you had to read but hated, and explain why you hated it.
i'd bet a lot of people name textbooks for this one, because why else would one have to read anything?  i'm no exception, and the textbook i totally hated was one for my marriage and family therapy course called family therapy: history, theory, and practice.  seriously fucking hated it, mainly because i hated the MFT course i had to take as part of my (as yet unfinished) MA in counseling and psychological services.  i actually withdrew from that course (not because i hated it, because of other life stuff that took precedence that semester), so i STILL have to take the god damn thing.  the instructor was great, the course was well-organized, the objectives were clear, and the expectations were reasonable-- there was nothing wrong with the course other than its subject.
i simply have zero interest in practicing anything in the neighborhood of couples or family therapy. part of my distaste for marriage & family therapy (MFT from here on) is academic, part is a matter of taste or style, and part is purely personal.
the academic part is that very little of the theory and technique of MFT is grounded in observation and research.  it mostly begins as a hypothesis or theory about how families/relational systems work just from the deduction of the theorist, and then technique is applied based on theory.  the theorists, of course, have done a lot of work with families and made plenty of their own clinical observations, but for the most part, the clinical observations aren't collected, measured, or analyzed in accordance with the scientific method.  theorists observe and then interpret what they see using their own intuitive deductions about why families are the way they are, and based on these suppositions, they devise interventions that are similarly difficult to measure objectively.  that being said, the theories aren't like wacky or off-the-wall, and they often make intuitive sense to me, but choosing a theoretical orientation in the practice of MFT seems more based on personal preference than a clinical determination of what data supports as effective.  to be fair, the same can be said of much of psychology, not just MFT.  a notable exception is gottman & gottman, who have done pioneering work in recording what actually happens in successful marriages in their "love lab" in the pacific northwest, and have published several books and developed couples workshops based on empirical data.
the taste and style part is that i believe that working with one individual psyche is plenty complicated without adding an additional personality or several personalities to deal with.  just way too messy and complex for me, and there are far too many variables for me to enjoy working with.  it would feel like utter chaos with no better approach than blind trial and error.
finally, my personal experience with both family therapy and couples therapy has been that the exercise was completely futile.  and i mean there was not one redeeming thing i took out of family therapy with my parents when i was teenager or out of couples therapy with my ex-husband.  i honestly can't think of a single couple i know who has undertaken joint counseling and stayed together.  couples therapy looks more to me like planning an exit strategy than developing more intimacy and interpersonal harmony.  i'm sure there are couples who have had great success with counseling, but i just can't think of any examples.  maybe my disdain for MFT is causing me to block them out.  my ex and i even attended a gottman workshop (a rather expensive gottman workshop) one weekend about a month and a half before we called it quits for good.  i'm guessing a lot of the lack of "success" of couples therapy is that couples rarely seek outside help until it is far too late to heal the breach that's generating the current conflict.  i think i once read a statistic that stated that on average, couples seek counseling about seven years too late.  don't know how that sorts out for couples like me and my ex who weren't even together for half that length of time, but there you go.
so that's the book i had to read, didn't actually finish btw, and absolutely hated every word.  soooo arduous.  now that i contemplate completing my MA and realize i'll still have to take an MFT course, the idea of starting from scratch on an MSW looks even more appealing!

3. If you could pick a book you've read to make into a movie, which one would you choose?
ugh, i don't know if i even could.  movies adapted from books are so frequently disappointing.  peter jackson's LOTR trilogy is a notable exception.  part of the disappointment is that expecting a two or even three hour movie watched with others in one sitting to feel as intimate and moving as the experience of reading a book over the course of several reading sessions alone with one's thoughts is a set-up for failure from the very start.  but even when i approach a movie with the understanding that it is a movie and qualitatively a very different type of narrative from a book, i still usually come away wishing it had been treated differently.
i can't pick a cherished book for film adaptation because i don't want anyone to do that my friends, which is how i see my favorite books.  and i can't really pick a book i found mediocre or only moderately compelling because i can't summon the interest in a book like that necessary to envision one that would be a good movie candidate.  so i guess i'll just pass on this one.  if i could a pick a book i've read to make into a movie, i would not exercise the choice.

this is just to say

i have been thinking of this poem quite a lot recently.  it's so lovely, and such a wonderfully cool and refreshing poem for oppressive summer heat, i have to share it.

This Is Just To Say
by William Carlos Williams

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

Sunday, July 04, 2010

sunday stealing

someday, this blog may evolve into a series of thoughtfully-considered, well-written posts on relevant and meaningful topics.  until then, i will meme when i feel like it.  questions from the sunday stealing blog.  the numbers are a continuation from the questions published on sunday stealing last week— i guess it's a multiple-part meme.

23. Are your days fast-paced?
as far as weekdays when i am at work, yes, my days are very fast-paced.  there are a million things to do and i never get all of them done.  i'm trying to prioritize better and work fewer hours, but even when i succeed at that, the pace will remain close to breakneck.  so, because of that, my weekend days are the opposite and i move like a slug when i'm not working.  (and by moving like a slug, i mean "slowly," not "leaving a trail of slime behind me.")

24. What did you do last night?
i went to the store with jon to get groceries, which was lots of fun, then made a platter of miniature cucumber sandwiches on cocktail bread for dinner, which we ate with chips & salsa and followed with dessert of raspberry lime pie.  while i was making the sandwiches, i made jon stay in the kitchen with me and load the dishwasher and wipe off the counters.  then we watched some tv and i fell asleep on the couch reading sometime after "saturday night live" was over.

25. Do you use sarcasm?
no.  i never use sarcasm.       (get it?)

26. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
thirty-nine.  i hate questions with one-word answers, but this is a long meme, so i will forgive it.

27. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
yes, very.

28. Do you get along better with the same sex or the opposite sex?
i used to say i got along better with men or even that i "just don't get along with women," but that was a bunch of shit predicated upon some pathological self-loathing and internalized sexism.  gender doesn't seem to be a huge factor in determining how well i get on with someone.

29. Do you watch the news?
only if jon is home.  so, i guess i don't.

30. How did you get one of your scars?
i have a scar from surgery on the back of my left thumb that was done to repair the tendon i damaged when i cut myself in the same place with a razor blade when i was using the razor blade to scrape a label off the bottom of a jar and it slipped— slipped straight down into my flesh.

31. Who was the last person to make you mad?
i'm sure it was jon, and i'm sure it was nothing, and i'm sure i can't remember it now.

32. What is the last big thing you purchased?
the precious II, my iPhone 4.

33. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
jon, duh.

34. What is a rumour someone has started about you?
one time in the first year or so that i was sober, so like 1999, i saw this guy i knew from the halfway house i'd gone to at a bar/restaurant on grand ave where i was eating with my boyfriend at the time, and the guy was having a drink.  i wouldn't have even noticed what he was drinking, but he was seated a table away and i overheard the server carding the woman he was with.  anyway, he apparently started telling people he'd seen me drinking at the wild onion, i guess as some sort of attempted damage control in case i told everyone he had been drinking.  i don't think i told anyone i'd seen him drinking— i mean, i didn't care that much because he was sort of an asshole.  i got completely freaked out that he was telling people that i was drinking for about five minutes, then i realized he was sort of an asshole and nobody really cared.

35.  What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
use the emergency button or phone in the elevator, sit down, post "is stuck in an elevator" as a status update on facebook, and play a game on the precious II while waiting for the elevator to be fixed.  i'd also text whoever needed to know if being stuck in an elevator was going to make me late for anything.

36. T or F:  All's fair in love and war? (sic)
i guess false, because fairness is fairness whether it's a card game or love or war.  but hardly anything is ever fair, and i don't care much about fairness.  i think this saying is supposed to mean that any strategy, no matter how underhanded or manipulative, is acceptable in matters of the heart or battles for resources, and is usually trotted out to liken romance to armed conflict.  it's not something i say, because i rarely think whether something is fair or not is relevant.  i am very concerned about matters of justice, particularly in matters of race, gender, sexual identity, and disability, but "fair" is sort of a small word for that.

37. Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?
no.  how would anyone know she or he was using a word correctly without knowing its meaning?  that's stupid.  i don't use words i can't define, and when i run across a word i don't know, i look it up.  one possible exception to this would be scrabble, where i play words i know are acceptable scrabble words without knowing their definitions, but i don't think of that as "using" a word.

38. Do you know which US states don't use daylight savings time?
nope.  i used to know one, indiana, because i'm from there, but they got on board a few years ago.  for some reason i think arizona might not, but maybe i just think that because they're assholes about martin luther king day.

39. Do you want a bright yellow '06 mustang?
no.  i don't want a bright yellow anything.  what the fuck kind of question is this?

40. What's something you've always wanted?
uh... world peace?  this question is too vague.  when i want something, i take the steps necessary to move toward getting it, or decide i don't want it that much after all.

41.  Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
the ocean.  lakes have yucky weeds.

42. Do you wear a lot of black?
not really, i don't think.  certainly not compared to jon, who is so brutal and core he rarely wears anything not black.

43. Describe your hair:
long, brown, currently kinda greasy and pulled up with a clip on top of my head.

44. Where is/are your best friend(s)?
sitting next to me on the couch, reading my blog, checking to see if i posted this yet. what a babe.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

i fucking hate the formatting on this thing

i can't figure out how to edit the html properly, and it's pissing me off.  someone post a link to a good, simple FAQ or tutorial page with just like a list of tags or something.  grrrrrrrrrr.

also, just so you know, i started that manic monday post on monday.  i just needed to go to sleep before i finished it, and have pretty much been working or sleeping since then.

manic monday #211

well, i haven't done a manic monday post in quite some time, and i'm apparently inspired by new blog to write a bit more, so here i go meme-ing away.  questions from the manic monday blog, which is my favorite of the meme blogs.

1.  If you could only see black and white except for one color, what color would you choose to see?
have i answered this before?  i feel like i have.  i know it is a question i've thought about, because i asked it of my clients a few months ago.  that was pretty funny, and was a great moment of just being human together, because i heard responses of pink and purple and talk of sunsets from these supposedly thug-like, tough felons.  i've never seen them as stereotypes, but i think a lot of people lacking direct experience would be surprised by the very normal concerns, fears, and vulnerabilities that "ex-cons" recovering from mental illnesses that are pretty similar to those of the general population.  
anyway, for me, i would pick blue.  i think i could handle just bright white for the sun, but a gray sky on a sunny, puffy-cloud-scattered day like today would be too much to bear.

2.  If you could have a room full of any one thing, what would it be?  
should i be really pragmatic and just say money, because then i could use that to fill other rooms with lots of different stuff that i like?  i feel like that would kind of be breaking the rules, like using a wish to wish for unlimited wishes.  so i will try to come up with an actual thing i'd want a whole room's worth of.

my first thought was books, and i kind of do have a room full of those, but i could always get more.  i used to buy tons of books regularly and devour them voraciously, but i'm sort of sorry to say that i haven't bought a book in quite some time.  last summer i got into the habit of playing games on my iPhone to fall asleep instead of reading, and i didn't read much at all until a few months ago.  now i read before falling asleep, but i read books on my iPad.  the last five or six books i've read have been using an e-reader app on the iPad.  i hate the idea that so many have suggested of the death of print media with the dawn of online media, but i'm doing nothing to support the sustenance of the printed word.  it's cheaper and more efficient to download books, and reduces the use of resources to produce and transport paper books.  so, let's see, a room full of something other than books....

the next thing that came to mind was food, but that's basically a kitchen.  i have one of those already and don't find it particularly exciting.  i'm not a cosmo girl type who would enjoy a room full of shoes and handbags.  I KNOW!  a room full of apple products.  ginormous iMacs, MacBooks, mac minis, all permutations of color, size, and style of iPods, several iPhones and iPads for my various mobile moods, hundreds of backup accessories like power cords, headphones, and adapters,  airports to expand my network infinitely if i so choose-- oh boy, oh boy, i'm getting so excited just thinking how awesome it would be.  and i would definitely find a use for multiple units of the item, so having a whole room full of them would be in no way redundant.

3.  Imagine you could go back to the age of five and relive the rest of your life, knowing everything that you know now. You will reexperience your entire adolescence with both the cognitive ability of an adult and the memories of everything you’ve learned form having lived your life previously.
Would you lose your virginity earlier or later than you did the first time around (and by how many years)?

oh, golly, this is a tough one.  i am sort of opposed to regrets of any sort as far as the poor choices i may have made throughout my life, because whatever i've done in the past has been part of the aggregate of experience that has led to me being who i am in the present, and i really like who i am here and now.  so regrets are sort of empty calories as far as emotional energy goes.    
i was very young when i lost my virginity, too young by my adult standards.  that being said, the experience was not at all bad.  apart from being too young to really understand the meaning of being sexual and adult intimacy, it was about as good as young teen's first time can be.  particularly compared to the lost virginity horror stories i've heard, which seem to be the rule rather than the exception.  my boyfriend was very respectful, put absolutely zero pressure on me, participated fully in decisions about contraception and their implementation. so i honestly don't think i'd change a thing.    
the thing that kind of fucked me up as regards sex and relationships happened a couple months after i lost my virginity, did not involve consent or even being fully conscious, and would have happened whether i'd lost my virginity prior to that occasion or not.  i can't even say with absolute certainty that i would change that experience either.  i mean, i think i would, but i really am so, so, SO incredibly happy with my life right now that i don't think i want to fuck with the space-time continuum at all.  what if i ended up something horrible, like a PC user with a droid?

Thursday, July 01, 2010